As I began to prepare for my talk, I looked for any resources that would guide me to the keys for a successful experience. I subscribe to the logic of not re-inventing something that is already out there. I was pretty sure there were resources available to guide me in the right direction. I was mistaken. So I had to create the entire event from scratch.
On the left of this page are some of the resources I used to pull off this experience. The bottom line is that you, as a dad, need to teach your daughter how males view sex. She needs to know how she dresses impacts the males around her. She needs to know that once she gives her purity away, its irretrievable. She needs to know how to be treated like a lady. I hope this simple resource helps you in your journey.
If you're interested, I also post my thoughts and experiences on my personal blog www.Dwaynes--World.blogspot.com.